Urban Tree Festival events in Beckenham Place Park

We are pleased to be taking part in the Urban Tree Festival 2021, which runs from 15-23 May this year, online and in ‘real life’. Urban Tree Festival celebrates trees in London and beyond  

A number of local individuals and organisations worked in partnership with Beckenham Place Park’s Community Engagement Officer to submit event proposals back in March. We’re delighted that all five events were accepted to be part of the festival’s programme!

We have been beavering away to bring the ideas to fruition and will be well-represented in the festival. All events are free to participate in, led by local volunteers.

The five events  

  1. Free forest bathing, led by qualified psychotherapist and forest bathing practitioner, Andrew Jenkins, who also happens to be a local resident who enjoys walking his dogs in the park. Forest bathing – or  Shinrin-yoku – is the Japanese art of taking in the forest atmosphere. It is an opportunity to build your connection to nature, increasing a sense of empathy, and in turn reducing stress and anxiety. Three sessions will run: Friday 21st May, 8am (for 10 people), Friday 21st May, 2pm (for 6 people), Saturday 22nd May, 10am (for 6 people). Book here

  2. A guided walk from Chinbrook Meadows to Beckenham Place Park, to discover Downham and see sustainable ways of meeting housing need through community self-build timber frame eco - homes. The walk takes place on Saturday 15 May, 11am – 1pm and will be led by Tim Oshodi, a local resident and community-led regeneration consultant specialising in timber eco homes. Book here

  3. A ‘Nature and Nurture’ guided walk from Goldsmiths Community Centre to Beckenham Place Park to appreciate nature, learn about the medicinal and well-being properties of different plans and be reminded just how we can benefit from being in and observing nature, even when living in urban environments. The walk will be led by local resident Theresa Webb, who is a Nutritional Therapist, Raw Vegan Chef and Chocolatier, and London National Park City Ranger. It takes place on Saturday 22 May 10:30am – 12:30pm. Booking here

  4. A walk around Beckenham Place Park to admire and learn about some of the ancient and wild trees that are found in the park. Nick Bertram, from Creekside Educational Trust, will guide participants to look for Wild Alder, Wild Hazel, Wild Oak, Wild Field Maple, Wild Sycamore, Wild Cherry, Wild Hornbeam, Wild Hawthorn, Wild Ash, Wild Silver Birch, Wild Elder, Wild Service tree..... The walk will start at 2pm on Sunday 23 May. Sign-up here

  5. An innovative and practical way to get the most from your daily ‘Dose of Nature’, produced by local Horticultural Therapist Michelle Brandon. A series of ‘prescriptions’ around the woods will guide you in exploring your senses and help you understand why it is that simply being surrounded by trees makes us humans happier. There will be an introductory video on the Urban Tree Festival website to get you started with this unique, fun and beneficial activity.

 Thank you to all the volunteers giving their time and sharing their expertise as part of the Urban Tree Festival, Beckenham Place Park programme.