Business opportunities in the park – the cottages   

Beckenham Place Park is a Green Flag park, located close to Beckenham town centre with a vibrant community and a business hub.

We are now looking to welcome new businesses that can offer Beckenham Place Park's visitors and the local community quality products or services. 

The Park features various buildings and offers a year-long programme of public events. The properties are located within pleasant parkland grounds which offer multiple opportunities for businesses to take advantage of significant pass-by trading footfall.

We are seeking potential new tenants into the three cottages in the Homestead Courtyard, which are available now.

About the Homestead Courtyard in Beckenham Place Park

The Homestead courtyard is a listed building, renovated in 2019 as part of a Heritage Lottery grant to renovate parts of the park. It now features a busy café, public toilets and the Education Centre. 

The courtyard is a multi-use space where occasionally events such as markets can take place. It is a hub of activity, with excellent footfall throughout the year, and especially on weekends and school holidays. During weekdays’ daytime, the park is a favourite with local dog walkers, runners, cyclists and carers of pre-school children. It's ideally located near the car park and the playground.  

All of the areas in the courtyard are now finished and have been renovated except for the cottages which were left in a core and shell condition to offer greater flexibility to incoming businesses. This allows prospective businesses to dream up their ideal premises and refurbish their unit in a way that suits their business needs and individual style.  

Lewisham Council has some funds to contribute towards this outlay.  

Type of businesses that should be interested 

Beckenham Place Park welcomes offers from interested parties as tenants with experience of running a business or with a very solid business plan and experience in the sector. They should be public-facing businesses in areas that complement The Park. We envisage that the cottages would appeal particularly to dog-related, health and wellbeing, horticulture (selling flowers and plants) or cycling-related uses. The Park is extremely popular with local dog walkers and offers various more secluded parts for visitors to enjoy including landscaped gardens near the cafe.

The Council are especially interested in hearing from local Lewisham residents from all backgrounds. The Council want to attract the best local talent wherever possible and help them grow their businesses. Your business will be sitting alongside other businesses that care greatly about nature, sustainability and the local community.

Other opportunities 

Lewisham Council is also looking at possible uses for Foxgrove Club and the Mansion (more on these properties here). The aim is to restore these properties in a way that is sympathetic to the park and its heritage and that offers value to the local community. These buildings offer challenging but interesting projects to local businesses who could see the benefit of being situated in a historic and pleasant setting.

More information

The Council has retained Copping Joyce as agents for these properties.  Visit their site for more information about the cottages.

Please direct all enquiries and expressions of interest concerning the cottages to the agents in the first instance.

If you wish to receive updates in relation to the Foxgrove Club and Mansion House, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Photo credit: Richard Hughes

Andrea Matias