New volunteering opportunities in Beckenham Place Park  

New Tuesday morning session

With the ongoing development work taking place on the Downham side of the park we are opening up a new volunteering session which will be drop-in initially from 10am to 12pm on Tuesday mornings in July and August.

Conservation volunteers team

This will be more occasional and focus on specific conservation tasks, joining this list gets you invited when these activities take place rather than a commitment to a recurring day.

Volunteer Rangers

We’re currently working on a plan to recruit some volunteer rangers who would be interested in helping out in various ways around the park, do watch this space if that interests you.

For more details on these and other volunteering opportunities please check the volunteering page  

Beckenham Place Park Champions

Are you interested in shaping the future of BPP?

Could you help spread the word about BPP within your community?

We’re looking for some new champions for the park and would especially like to hear from people from our less well-represented communities to hear how we can make the park better for everyone. For more details please, click here.