Winter into Spring

What to look out for

As Winter turns into Spring, we’ll gradually see these flowers come and go - see the gallery below. Right now in March the crocuses have already brought a flash of colour to the park. We’re starting to see daffodils come through as well, with many more starting to come through, followed by chamelias and tulips.

In May and June we expect a beautiful carpet of bluebells to pop up in the woodland area. Please take care when talking off paths, and there’s plenty of action going on underground in preparation for Spring.

The horticultural team have been working in the formal gardens and in the next few weeks and months we’ll see the gardens come alive with a riot of colours and different species of flowers, plus the wildlife that comes along with it.

We hope you enjoy your visit to Beckenham Place Park! Please tag us on Facebook and Instagram @BeckenhamPlacePark

Photo gallery

Yellow Crocuses




Edgeworthia Chrisalis

Cherry Plum Prunus


NatureAndrea Matias