No fires or barbecues please!

With the warmer weather, we see an increasing number of BBQs in the park. We’d like to remind park visitors that open fires and barbecues are not permitted in Lewisham Parks. They cause a hazard to wildlife and humans. This is what your BBQ could look like after you’ve left the location:

Whilst we’re on such a sad topic, we’d also like to ask visitors to take back their picnic rubbish back home if it won’t fit in a bin. Collecting the rubbish in a bag is great, but please don’t leave it behind in the park. Wildlife will get to it and not only can it be dangerous to animals, the waste gets scattered and it makes it very unpleasant for other visitors and the staff who need to litter pick it.

We’re sharing recent examples of what your beautiful picnic spot might look like not long after you’ve left:


No fires


Take your picnic rubbish home

Thank you and please, spread the word!