Music Festivals Update

Consultation meeting

The last pre-event residents’ consultation meeting took place in July , with thanks to all who attended. The documents presented can be found on this page  

The next and final pre event meeting is on 24 July. The link will be posted here.  

A public post-event debrief meeting will be held in the Autumn, to be organised by Slammin and with Lewisham Council representatives in attendance. Bromley council officers will be invited as per usual.


Notices will go up around park gates on the week commencing 17th July. The posters will have key information about dates and any access restrictions (see image below for access). 

It’s impossible to reach everyone who could be affected. Please share information from this website with local friends family and colleagues for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Road closures and resident permits

A number of residential streets will be subject to a road closure order to take the pressure off the closest roads to the venue. This will be enforced with signage and stewards on specific times of the event weekend. Resident permits will be mailed in early August to the households of the streets affected to facilitate access.

Answers to frequently asked questions about this year’s events can be found here – link will be updated soon with 2024 details


The resident line contact number will be published on the hospitality community page  in the two weeks leading up to the event.