Meet the Business - PTP Coaching

This series introduces the various businesses that operate from Beckenham Place Park. Meet Pia, from PTP Coaching.

Hello, what’s your name and what do you do? 

My name is Pia Philbey. I am PTP Coaching’s Business Support Manager. We run the Swimming and Paddleboarding lake in the park. 

What does PTP Coaching do?

We offer outdoor swimming for those aged 8 and over. In the warmer months, we also offer swim coaching sessions.  

Additionally, we offer boating activities in the form of paddleboarding and canoeing. We focus on anything from hire and ‘have a go’ sessions and birthday parties to coaching and development including the British Canoeing Discovery Award, and Foundation Safety and Rescue Courses. When the weather is warmer we also offer SUP yoga sessions. 

We are currently working on being able to deliver more Canoe river trips and starting swimming trips.

When did PTP Coaching join the businesses in the park?

We opened in the park in July 2019 

What attracted you or the business to Beckenham Place Park?

It is such a beautiful park. We are very excited about being able to run the lake and bring watersports opportunities to the local community.

How many people does  PTP Coaching employ?

There are about 50 employees on our books. We are very pleased to offer so many job opportunities to the local community, including to the young people just starting out in their careers. All at the minimum of the London living wage.

What is your most popular product or service?

Swimming is our most popular service, even in the winter. With a cold water induction, anyone over the age of 8 can have a go. We do become fully booked in the warmer months when induction is not needed.  Our activity clubs are also very popular in the warmer months, along with Birthday parties.

Tell us about your efforts to make your business more eco-friendly.

Our tow floats that are used by the customers are made with recycled plastic. We encourage our visitors and staff to use public transport and provide space in the lake area to store bikes. We do not put any nasties in the water and try to protect the flora and fauna we are surrounded with. Our staff is very keen on looking after the environment and Madi, our marketing manager, is hoping to organise a couple of litter clearing river trips in the near future too.

Tells us about a community project you’ve engaged with in Beckenham Place Park

We love getting involved in the community days.. Last year we were able to offer free taster paddle boarding sessions to visitors over the age of 2. We hope we can get involved again this year.

We also offer free swimming to Lewisham Local card holders who volunteer in Lewisham.

What’s your best tip for park visitors?

Early mornings are magical. The sunrises shouldn’t be missed whilst taking a dip in the lake. It really does make your swim a magical experience.

Can you share one fact about your company that most people don’t know about?

We offer development courses to schools and home education school groups.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

One of our main aims is to try and encourage everyone to have a go at watersports. We hope to see you soon at Beckenham Place Park’s lake!


You can find PTP Coaching down at the lake in the Park or via their website.

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