East side improvements update

Works are close to completion to enhance the east side of Beckenham Place Park, with large areas of the improved park expected to reopen during the summer.   

New Play and Activity Features

All the new playground features are now installed in the fantastic new playground and final surfacing is close to completion with view to the playground being open to the public this summer.   Extensive new planting and climbing logs bring a lush natural character to the playground area.  The playground is designed and equipped to be accessible for users with mobility disabilities, such as wheelchair users and to be able to be used by as many people as possible, both with and without disabilities.  

Temporary fencing has been installed to protect the newly planted areas whilst planting becomes established. 

Please be aware that the play area is still a building site and not yet safe for children to use. We will communicate the opening in due course and until then please do not enter the area behind the fencing or play on the equipment.

The skate ramp and BMX track are open. 

The new multi-use games area is due to be completed by late summer.

Gym activity equipment has been installed and will open this summer.

Across the site new benches and picnic tables are in place both alongside footpaths and integrated within the landscape to offer a series of experiences from tranquil, relaxing spaces through to more social seating/ gathering opportunities.  

Work will commence shortly to construct mountain bike trails through an area of new mounding just to the east of the railway line.  These new trails will be open by late summer.

New Bridge

The new bridge across the river Ravensbourne has now been installed.  The bridge provides a much clearer link between the play areas and Old Bromley Road entrance and the rest of the park, opening up site lines across the park and views of the river and adding to the natural character of the  park.  Much wider and more level than the previous concrete bridge, the new bridge enhances accessibility.  

Sunken Meadows 

The excavations of large volumes of earth to create the new sunken meadows, new pond, areas of mounding and new openings and light to the Ravensbourne River are complete.  Water that settled in the area of excavation has now drained away, following the connection of the sunken meadows to the river.   New grass and wildflower meadows and tree planting are establishing well in the sunken meadows with a few smaller areas being left for seeding in the autumn. 

New Nature Pond

The excavated shallow nature pond at the south of the area of excavation is finding its natural level after its outlet to the river has been created and a new wide footbridge over the overflow inlet from the river and a viewing platform over the pond are now in place.  Water-loving plant species will soon be planted, providing further opportunities for aquatic ecosystems to thrive and grow.

New planting and Riverside scrapes

Across the site extensive planting of new trees and shrubs, seeding of grass and wildflower meadows has taken place and the new openings alongside the river are bringing light, views and access to the river and enriching the ecology of the river corridor.  

Gardens in Old Bromley Road

New rain gardens on Old Bromley Road and street gardens have now been planted with the help of local volunteers.  Further streetside rain gardens along Old Bromley Road are to follow as part of a wider aim to better link the park to surrounding areas outside of the park.

Getting to know your river in the park

Environmental charity Thames21 will continue through the summer with their river-related engagement and volunteering activities in the Ravensbourne River, and on the riverbanks as part of the programme of works to enhance the park.


With thanks to