Lake winter update

Events and courses  

 PTP’s Christmas day and new year day swim are becoming a tradition. Book here  

If you’ve taken part in activities at the lake and want to try something new, PTP is organising a Family River Trip on the 28th November – details here   

Free WRET course from the RLSS at the lake on 12th December 1pm to 3pm. PTP’s lifeguard trainer will be running the course, which is a free community course. It is 2 hours long and participants are not required to go in the water. Book a free place here 

Paddlesports will be winding down in December due to weather and storage of the boats but PTP will still be offering some sessions, plus others available on an ad hoc basis.

 The new British Canoe Discovery course has been a success with courses at 75% capacity. Finishers will be doing their trip on the 27th of November. 


Sessions for schools

PTP is offering sessions to school groups, as well as other uniformed groups. These range from one-off fun sessions to six-week development blocks and can work to the School Curriculum as well as British Canoeing. All children will receive a free start certificate for attending any session. They can work up the British Canoeing personal development pathway either with school or through PTP’s activity clubs. 

Opening hours

Visit the website for opening hours


Andrea Matias