Free cinema tickets for Lewisham's young people

Sunset Screenings Sessions are the only open-air cinema in the UK entirely devoted to British cinema and diversity. They are giving away 60 tickets to the young audiences of Lewisham.

If you’re aged between 15 and 24 years old, this offer is for you!


Screenings take place every Friday night this Summer at sunset, in the gorgeous courtyard of the Homestead Cafe, inside Beckenham Place Park.

How to claim your free ticket

Young people aged 15 to 24 years old can claim their free ticket (maximum two per person, and subject to availability) by going to, scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the "send message" button. Your message should include your name, surname, postcode, date of birth and the title of the film of your choice. 

The movies

There are  10 tickets for each one of these six movies: '23 Walks', 'Prevenge', 'Passport to Pimlico', 'Crock of Gold: a Few Rounds with Shane McGowan', 'I am not a Witch' and 'Beautiful Thing'.

 These films paint a diverse and inclusive picture of Britain. Half of them (three films) were made by women, including a Black female filmmaker. The topics - music, immigration, national identity, racism, LGBT-phobia and much more - will resonate amongst young people, thereby raising awareness and stirring the debate around such issues. 

 Get in touch now and secure your place. First come, first served!

Andrea Matias