Beckenham Place Park Flower Show - last call for entries!

We’re delighted that the Beckenham Place Park Flower Show is taking place again this year on the 1st of August. Only a few weeks to go, so put the date in your diary for a fun-filled community day.

Did you know that…

Beckenham Place Park Flower Show is for everyone, of any age and ability?

Enter now

Now is the time to enter the 2021 Beckenham Place Park flower show. There are a wide variety of categories for adults and children, involving flowers, vegetables and nature-inspired crafts.

You don’t need to be an expert gardener to enter – it is a fun, community show! In fact, you don’t even need to grow anything - that’s how easy it is to enter! There are craft categories and ones that can be done using shop-bought vegetables, for example, the ‘best vegetable creature’.

For more details on the categories and to enter visit the event page. The more entries the better – we would love to have a marquee full of colour and scent on the day. That is dependent on lots of people entering! There are rosettes and prizes to be won – why not have a go? The deadline for online submissions is 27th July.

Did you know that…

Beckenham Place Park Flower Show is actually three events in one? A Flower Show, a Dog Show and an Art Show

Join us

Whether you’ve entered a submission for the show or not, come along to enjoy the event on Sunday 1 August (12pm-7pm).

There is a dog show and art exhibition – themed ‘Park Life’ – on the day too. The dog show has 8 categories, and entries are on the day from 12:30pm.

Click here for a full list of categories. Many local dog-related traders such as Eddie’s Dog Shop have been generously donating puptastic prizes, so it’s time to prep your pooch and try to win them!

A fun-filled day

Other than participating in the shows and admiring the displays, there will also be live music throughout the afternoon, a range of stalls selling flower and nature related products, and food and drink traders too.

Come along for a fun day out for all ages!

Photo: a 2019 Flower Show submission. Photo by Lucy Mitchell